We launched our accommodations platform: Free Ukraine BnB

You have asked for it, we listened and did it. The entire Free Ukraine team is proud to release an accommodations platform for helping hosts and Ukrainian guests to meet. Done in 3 days, with the help of more than 100 volunteers we are now releasing as a beta in order to support the number of demands we see (more than 15’000 offers in the market as we write these lines).

Why a platform?

Matching people is long, and we couldn’t process specifics linked to hosts’ demands. We will keep a role for verifying hosts to avoid scammers on the platform, and guiding every party in their obligations. We will also propose a hotline to Ukrainians to get immediate support and counselling if needed.

How does it work?

If you are a host: just open an account here and upload your room, apartment or house. Please also introduce yourself, especially the language you’re speaking.

If you are from Ukraine: you can browse the offering and check depending on the criterion you have which one is for you.

What’s next?

As it is fresh, we might have bugs. We also have to switch our existing offers to this system. If you spot a bug, just contact us.

Again, Free Ukraine is all about you. We are committed to helping and making an impact to support as many people as people.

Stay tuned.

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